The experience has been a good one so far and keeps me busy for a couple hours a couple times a week. I coach the newest swimmers on the team, so my lane ranges from 6-10 year olds. Today, however, I filled in for another coach with the most advanced group of high school students.
It was such a change from the hands on experience of teaching little ones and gave me a flashback to my high school swimming days of endless drills (only I was on the side this time, and surprisingly a bit bored because they don't really need my help!). High school students are so funny. I think we all like to think we weren't as silly as them, but I know we all were :)
Our team has a meet against the NATO team next month in Brussels, which I think sounds kind of cool.
I'm glad I volunteered, but I have to say it hasn't helped my goal of meeting people my age - in fact its done the exact opposite. I know a lot of kids and parents, but no one really my age. I'll have to be a little more selective with my next pursuit :)