While making the Kuwait adjustment, I remember being happy one day, completely occupied the next, depressed the next, and then excited the following. It was a constant up and down and honestly I think it lasted almost the whole time we were there, but the roughest patch was obviously before we made friends.
I found an article yesterday talking about these ups and downs and describes them as the Four Stages of Culture Shock. I thought it was interesting and sort of gives a glimpse into the experience.
I'll adjust and hopefully make friends soon, but the initial transition is hard - no matter what country you're in I think because its not home. I'm over the honeymoon phase of just arriving and now feel a little lost. I don't have a routine, a social group, we live far from town which feels a bit isolating, and our house is still a work in progress - so even that doesn't feel like "home" yet.
We have a trip to Oxford coming up in two weeks that I'm super excited for though. Also, I hope to explore some the next couple of weekends and potentially make some more progress on the house. Baby steps...