I kind of want to go see it again, dorky? I'm a sucker for unique romantic comedies!
I went to see Silver Linings Playbook this week and haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. I loved it. You should definitely see it too.
I kind of want to go see it again, dorky? I'm a sucker for unique romantic comedies!
I've been in Nebraska the past couple of days visiting our friends from Oxford. It was a long drive, but it was so worth the trip. I've missed my friends!
I have my last photography class tomorrow, so I'm busy uploading and editing. I'm sort of sad and sort of glad for it to be over. I'm going to enjoy taking some time to practice what I've learned before signing up for the next class. I head to Austin on Monday, so my weekend might have to involve some serious hibernating to make up for all this travel! :) We're in for a snow day here in Colorado. I'm loving it! Hope you enjoy your Sunday wherever you are!
Yesterday consisted of me being lazy most of the day after working late the night before, and then finding the need to get out of the house right when it started to snow fairly hard. Not my best idea, but I made it just fine, as I shopped in the snow. I feel like this is retribution for sort of a lame winter. Its supposed to continue to lightly snow through noon. I wish it would snow harder now that I'm cozy in the house!
We finally got Rosetta Stone for German yesterday! We had been holding off on ordering it because its sooo expensive. Jason was able to find a coupon though, through Facebook of all places, and decided to just go for it. I did lesson 1 last night. It seems cool. I can't remember every word it showed me, but I trust that there's a method to their madness. Auf Weidersehen! My selection of glasses to try on AND my new laptop came in the mail yesterday!
I've been struggling with Windows 8 today, grr... change is hard to swallow. Jason found this cool online eyeglass shop recently called Warby Parker. I had never heard of them before, but they have some cool styles and will ship you glasses to try on in your own home. Their story is a good one too, for every pair you order, a pair is sent to someone in the world that can't afford or doesn't have access to eyeglasses. Check them out if you're in need of a new pair. I ordered 5 to try on yesterday.
This was my Valentines present to my beer-fanatic husband this year. A heart-shaped assortment of beers to try. All the ones around the outside of the heart have either red labels or are Irish Red beers :)
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November 2015