I've been hibernating lately, doing stuff around here and manning the house while movers come and go. Today is the first day that no one is coming and I'm really excited about it.
The house definitely is starting to feel like ours a bit. The cleaning is still constant, but without workers/movers coming in and out its much more manageable thank goodness. I think we're going to have to adopt the practice of always removing our shoes before coming in. With all dark hard-surface floors, you can see any spec of dirt and feel it under your bare feet.
Other quirks that I'm still getting used to include:
- The washer/dryer - the washer is tiny, takes forever, and isn't the best in my opinion. I've found detergent spots on the clothes whenever I do a full load. One load set on "Coloureds" takes 2 hours. Then the dryer is more of a water remover, with a tank that fills with water from the clothes. You must empty this tank every couple loads, which means marching it upstairs and dumping it in the sink. It too takes at least 2 hours to dry anything. I think laundry is going to be a constant and ongoing thing, just to keep up.
- The sink is still super tiny and annoying, but we bought a new goose neck faucet with a sprayer from Ikea that I hope Jason will install this weekend. That should make things a little more manageable.
- Oh my goodness the trash - we don't have trash bins yet, so I have bags of trash sitting outside my back door because I don't know what else to do with it. When we do get trash bins, we'll get 4 and I'm still trying to decipher what goes in each. I tried setting my bags out with our neighbors bins on the day that I thought was regular trash. The next morning I came out to see only our sad bags of trash left sitting there :(
- Our box spring wouldn't fit up the stairs when the movers brought it, so now its sitting in our entryway and we've been sleeping without it. Jason wants to try it again himself, and I agree that it looks like it could possibly fit if you tried the right angle, but we may have to remove a stair step or two in order to angle it correctly or purchase a new one that bends or something. I keep thinking of Ross in the episode of Friends when they try to move his new couch up the stairs.
- We are still waiting for a new super-transformer the Keurig requires to arrive from Amazon, so I am still without my morning coffee. I've been walking down the street to a bakery every morning and ordering "eine Kaffee, bitte". I'm really ready to brew my own coffee though!
- The saddest thing I've been coping with is that I spilled tea on my brand new laptop last week and the keyboard isn't working now. I've got to figure out how to get it fixed soon :( I'm using Jason's laptop in the meantime.
This weekend is a 4 day weekend, but we haven't planned anything because we've been so wrapped up in the move. We're thinking about taking a train ride somewhere because we haven't taken a train since we've been in country. At a minimum, we'll head up to Frankfurt, but I'm going to try to brainstorm somewhere a little more exciting - we'll see.