Thriving in this unique situation, I believe, very much depends on how successful you are at meeting friends and creating a support system - often with people you may have never been friends with if the situation was different. Every move is a challenge, because you essentially have to start over. Its a unique path to walk, but I'm thankful for all that it has taught me.
A friend of mine shared this article with me this week, and I thought it was worth passing on. Its hard to convey a sense of this odd life we live as expats to those whom have never lived it. I have had similar moments as the author describes, since beginning to travel with Jason. Moments where something happens to make you think - Where exactly am I and how did I get here!? or She looks normal, how can I reasonably stalk her and ask her to be my friend? Those, among countless other situations, are sometimes beyond description to friends and family back home, which can leave you feeling very lonely.
Thriving in this unique situation, I believe, very much depends on how successful you are at meeting friends and creating a support system - often with people you may have never been friends with if the situation was different. Every move is a challenge, because you essentially have to start over. Its a unique path to walk, but I'm thankful for all that it has taught me.
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November 2015