We have signed up for internet at our house, but have to wait for something to arrive in the mail before it can be switched on (what year is it again!?). My super techy husband, however, has figured out a way for me to temporarily connect to the internet on my laptop - using the wireless on his cell phone. Its really nice having a nerd in the house!
So to catch up from the last week....
Our first shipment of stuff was our kitchen, towels/linens, and clothes. Since we have no furniture or storage, most of this stuff is just in piles. I have the kitchen all setup and have cooked a couple times already. Its amazing how just having your kitchen stuff back makes it feel much more like home.
The kitchen has some serious quirks though that are going to take some getting used to. First of all, our counters are wood veneer of some sort. I'm super afraid to let water sit on it for any amount of time, so I'm constantly wiping them down. Our kitchen sink is SUPER tiny and the faucet is stupid. It gets in the way of washing dishes - so I then get water everywhere - compounding the above issue. We're considering replacing it with a sprayer faucet, but would need to order it from the States because the ones we've seen here (Ikea included) are like $300+!
Our refrigerator is tiny, which actually hasn't bothered me so far and we have a backup refrigerator in the basement, so I think that's a problem I can deal with. Also, we only have big drawers, no cabinets. So that's a little different. I think I have it figured out for now though, and we'll be purchasing a kitchen island and some shelf storage soon - which will help tremendously. One day I hope to have a kitchen with enough storage that getting things in and out isn't so puzzle-like!
As for the rest of the house, it is BARE. I've had to turn a guest room into a giant closet since we don't have closets or dressers to store our clothes in at the moment. The room is filled with piles of clothes, organized by type. We need to go buy wardrobes from Ikea, but the boxes wont fit in our tiny car and we haven't figured out how to either get them home an alternate way or what all it entails to have Ikea deliver them.
All the floors in the house are dark tile or dark wood laminate, so any amount of dust shows. We had all tile in Kuwait too, but we also had a maid to clean once a week and carpets provided by Jason's work all over the place. I think Ikea is going to make a killing off of us this year! I so wish we could have a maid here too!
Hopefully the rest of our stuff will be here in the next couple of weeks (they said at the latest by Sept. 9th). Our stairs are supposed to be finished on Friday. Hopefully we'll have internet sometime next week. The tile is being laid in our basement this week.
So things are coming along - just slowly!