Emma is 10 months old now. She is walking and eating solids. She's so expressive and goofy, its fun. She develops everyday and I feel really lucky that I get to be home with her and see it firsthand.
Its finally starting to warm up here a bit (thank goodness!). Its been a much colder winter than last year, but you can see signs of spring popping up. Its tulip season in Holland, which is not too far away, and the tulip display at the grocery is gorgeous. I plan to keep some in the house until they're out of season! It makes me happy to see them in the window.
We have recently gotten word that we will be leaving Germany early and heading to New York at the end of the summer! I'm pretty excited to be back in the States. There's a lot for us to explore in New England and to have all the conveniences of the US back - not to mention the plane ride to family is much more doable!
We have some pretty amazing trips coming up this summer, so our remaining time here is sure to be exciting and will probably fly by! I'll try to be better about posting!