First, some news, we have decided to move a little earlier than we had initially thought. Originally we thought we'd be there by end of August, now we're targeting beginning of July. *gulp*
Although I anticipate this move being a cake walk compared to Kuwait, there always seems to be more uncertainty involved with these moves than I would prefer. For example, with approximately only 10 weeks to go, we still don't have answers to a lot of the major questions like when exactly we are moving, when exactly will our stuff get picked up, when exactly will we be traveling to see family beforehand, those among a couple dozen more planning tid-bits would be nice to get nailed down soon.
In the meantime though, while plans are still forming, I'm starting to take small steps where I can to further simplify our life and make us more moving-friendly.
Our move to Kuwait was such a whirlwind and since we were married less than 2 months beforehand, we didn't have a lot of time to merge and purge our stuff. Most just went into storage or with us to Kuwait to be dealt with at a later time.
With each move we get a little more stream-lined, however during our time in Colorado I made it my goal to really get things in order. It was the first time all of our stuff was in one spot. I've purged a great deal and tried to keep things organized and simple, but there is always more that can be done.
My tasks at the moment are to go through all of the drawers and bins in our house and sort through all the miscellaneous items. I went through our spices tonight to combine, toss, and decide what should be kept. I also rinsed and cleaned some gardening pots that I unfortunately wont be using this spring and grouped and stacked all of those. Small potatoes, I know.
As time starts to get a little closer, I'll start separating things into "Storage" and "Germany" piles, since we wont be bringing everything, but it's a little early for that just yet.
It brings a whole new meaning to Spring Cleaning! I'll just keep the image above in mind to keep me sane!