We've been really boring lately. I've been trying to fight the urge to run errands everyday. Its my default to run out at least once a day, but with Emma taking 3 naps a day there isn't a way to do it without messing with at least one of them. So I try to only do one thing per day with at least a couple days a week not driving anywhere. Or at least that's what I've been trying to do the past month or so. Any routine, as you've probably noticed, is short lived in our life since we're constantly on the move.
I've started making baby food from scratch. Its incredibly easy, thankfully, because our little bird doesn't tolerate me doing other things for too long. I've made apples, sweet potatoes, and pears. I have the stuff to make peas as well (yuck!). This can sometimes be tiring if she refuses to nap as well. Eating is still not going very well. She just spits it out and closes her lips. I'm not really sure how or when she'll start liking it. I try to not push it too hard so that it upsets her, but I feel like she's never going to try it unless I force it a little!
Although its quiet now and the days are mostly gray and dark, I'm trying to savor it. I have a feeling I will long for these days when they are gone.
We head to the Alps at the end of the month to meet up with friends for a week. I've started picking up some Thanksgiving essentials at the commissary before they're all gone - canned pumpkin, fried onions, a turkey, etc. We'll pack a cooler and bring as much down with us as we can.
Then Jason's mom and family are coming for Christmas. Our niece will be joining them, so it will be fun having a kid in the house for Christmas. I hope to go all out! Its been a while since they have all been together for Christmas. I've already been doing quite a bit of Christmas shopping.