I arrived back from San Antonio yesterday and depart again for D.C. on Friday. So I have to be fairly productive today as I get some work done and then get ready to turn around and leave again... whew!
We're starting to get a small amount of information about our upcoming move and starting to think through all the normal move-related issues (where will we ship our car from, when can we schedule movers, where we'll fly into and out of, amongst other things). No breaking news or hard decisions yet, but it feels good to be taking steps towards the move. It hit me that we don't have much time left here, and already I'm feeling like the time we do have is getting filled up too quickly! I just have to remember that I'll probably be bored when I get to Germany right, and embrace the craziness here now? That's what I'll tell myself anyways :) I'll try to post, but it may be quiet again for the next couple of days. Have a great weekend! Today's weather calls for "Blizzard". Its like when we were in Kuwait and it just said "Sand". I will definitely not be leaving the house today!
On a side note, Alamo Drafthouse - a favorite from Austin - is opening up a location here in Denver! I think it'll be a great fit here. Can't wait to check it out. We've had company all this week, so I haven't been doing such a great job of posting. I head to Texas next week too, so it should be a busy couple of days. Above are a couple phone photos from our trip to Breckenridge, CO this week.
Happy Monday! Its a quiet morning here as I am getting into work while sipping my first cup of coffee.
I stumbled upon this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt last night while wasting time on the internet, and thought I'd share: “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” I thought it was a good thought to start the week with. On another note, we went to see Argo last night at the Mayan Theater in Denver. The movie was wonderful, but it honestly left me feeling a little uptight. There were a lot of things in that movie that reminded me of what it could have been like if things during our time in Kuwait had gone terribly wrong. Although I would consider Kuwait a very safe place to visit, there was that "what if" thought in the back of your mind... what would we do... where would we go... what would we bring. This movie was a glimpse into the lives of people that lived it. You should definitely check it out, if you have not already. I feel like we have been really busy lately, but none of it's worth posting about! We have company arriving tomorrow and I'm trying to muster up the energy to give the house a once-over. I've been working quite a bit along with just day to day stuff around the house. I'm also trying to get back into the swing of running (as I sit here in my running clothes, willing myself off the computer and out the door).
I've met with several people about photography and have a couple events setup in the next couple weeks, so I'm excited and a little nervous about that! Other than that, I've just been laying low. The trips to Texas wear me out a bit, it seems. I have trouble sleeping in new places so I come back exhausted. I don't want to complain though because I'm lucky to have this opportunity! All that to say that things are quiet over here :) We have quite a bit planned for next week when Jason's friend Andy is in town. We'll head to the mountains Tuesday & Wednesday, so I'll have plenty to post after that. Until then, have a great week! Its way to early to do anything in the garden here in Colorado. I've been told by my wise neighbor to fight the urge until May at least, despite the tempting garden displays that start to pop up at every store as soon as the weather starts getting pleasant. Even with this in mind however, I am starting to look at my sad cold garden as the snow starts to melt on top of it and am starting to think about our last season here before the big move to Germany. We rent, so there aren't any major landscape overhauls in my near future (plus my gardening needs some work), but I love gathering ideas for our "One Day House" Here are some images to inspire! Tired of seeing photos of my dog yet?
Its a beautiful day here. Its in the mid-50's and the snow is starting to melt. I'm so excited for Spring to come and to get back into the swing of running. I went for a run yesterday and didn't think about how much snow would still be on the trails. It was a rough run. It was like running in slippery sand. I'm going to try to stick to the sidewalks today. Hope you have a great weekend! I head to San Antonio next week for work. It supposed to be warm there, so I'm excited to break out my flip flops :) I've been in Nebraska the past couple of days visiting our friends from Oxford. It was a long drive, but it was so worth the trip. I've missed my friends!
I have my last photography class tomorrow, so I'm busy uploading and editing. I'm sort of sad and sort of glad for it to be over. I'm going to enjoy taking some time to practice what I've learned before signing up for the next class. I head to Austin on Monday, so my weekend might have to involve some serious hibernating to make up for all this travel! :) |
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November 2015