The next couple of days have the potential of being fairly tiresome, but we're moving forward towards getting settled in. We check out of the hotel tomorrow (yay!) and move into our house (yay!). However, we walked the space today with the landlord and there were a lot of incomplete items.
They swear all the little stuff will be done & clean by tomorrow, but there are three big ticket items that will have slowly be completed over the next couple weeks: (1) Our basement floor isn't complete; it will be tile, but its just the slab at the moment, (2) The stairs aren't finished! The treads are just missing (as you can see below) and they've installed some scrap wood planks instead - this was upsetting because these won't be done until the end of the month, and (3) the concrete, landscaping and fence around our house won't be complete for probably closer to 2 months - it doesn't look like we'll be using our outdoors until the Fall! :(
So that was a bit of a bummer. We knew that the landscaping wouldn't be done when we moved in, but they originally told us a couple weeks.
In addition, we now have to get internet, make a big trip to Ikea (or several with our tiny car), and we have to wait for our furniture to get here. We've heard horror stories from other Americans regarding the internet installation taking months. Cross your fingers and do a little dance that that's not the case for us. Jason and I don't do so well without internet for extended periods of time!
Our clothes, towels, and kitchen essentials are here though (yay!) and fingers crossed they'll be delivered tomorrow without issue. Then we can at least sleep in our house, cook our own meals, and just be in our own space.
Wish us luck!